About Us
We are a group of residents who believe that The Woodlands area needs better and safer bicycling.
We promote safety, advocate for improvements, and build community among all people who bike.
As a non-profit organization, we are dedicated to building a community where bicycling is convenient and safe, connecting neighborhoods, business areas, parks, communities, and surrounding counties, and accommodating all facets of bicycling - fitness, recreation, and transportation - and riders of all ages and abilities.
Learn more about our mission, vision, and goals for the future in the document linked below.
Our Board
Bike The Woodlands Coalition began as a conversation in 2009 among four cyclists who asked, "Why isn't The Woodlands a Bicycle Friendly Community?" More than ten years later, we are powered by a volunteer board of directors that includes road cyclists, mountain bikers, pathway riders, parents of toddlers, bike commuters, and more. We are all committed to building a better community through bicycling.
Patricia Monticello Kievlan
CT Gooding
Vice President
Yan Wang
Richard Lamb
John Martin
Mariana Raschke
Cynthia Ullman
John Zgourides
Past Board Members
Aubrey Brockman
Randall Cade
Lynn Carpenter
Gordon Craig
Bruce Cunningham
Bill DeForest
Kendall Delue
Robert Heintzleman
David Hitchcock
Ron Keichline
George Mendes
Greg Minnery
Carmen Mulraney
George Newman
Tiffany Perl
Steve Schoger
Fernanda Suarez
Cheryl Tangen
Dave Ward
Bike The Woodlands was founded by Randall Cade, David Hitchcock, Ron Keichline, and Steve Schoger.
Bike The Woodlands is a proud member of The Woodlands Area Chamber of Commerce and the League of American Bicyclists.