Studies & Plans
Bike The Woodlands Coalition advocates for cycling concerns during local mobility studies.
Below, you can find highlights from some local and regional studies that may impact bicycling within our community.
The Woodlands Township
Bike-Pedestrian Master Plan
This plan recommends projects to improve The Woodlands bike and pedestrian network. Key improvements include on-road bike lanes on Lake Woodlands, a shared use path along College Park and Kuykendahl, and fixing various gaps in the existing pathway network.
Status: Active - the plan was adopted on October 26, 2016 and implementation has been slowly progressing with funding by The Township.
League of American Bicyclists
Bike Friendly Community
In 2011, The Woodlands became the first suburban community in Texas to receive Bicycle Friendly Community status from the League of American Bicyclists. The Woodlands received its Bronze-level designation again in November 2015 and June 2020. Most recently, in January 2025, The Woodlands became the #1 rated community in Texas by achieving Silver-level status. Find out more about how we earned that distinction — and the steps we need to take to earn gold-level distinction.
Status: Active - Bike The Woodlands Coalition continuously works with community leaders to implement bike friendly improvements.
Bike The Woodlands Coalition
Drainage Bike Lanes
Houston and many other cities have discovered that greenways along creeks and bayous are an option for pedestrians, runners, and cyclists. Like Houston’s pathways along Buffalo Bayou. The Woodlands has pathways already located along drainage ways. In addition, residents frequently use other drainage ways as alternative routes for hiking, running, and even off-road cycling.
Although the Drainage Bicycle Lane Concept was considered and featured within the 2016 Pedestrian Bicycle Master Plan, the concept was not officially recommended at that time. As roadways become more crowded with vehicles, this concept could benefit drivers by reducing the number of cyclists on the road, while making cycling safer.
Status: Inactive - community support is needed to drive attention to this plan.
Texas Department of Transportation
FM 1488 Study
This study identified short to long-term improvements to reduce crashes, improve mobility, enhance multimodal connectivity, and support existing and future development in the FM 1488 corridor.
Recommendations include official bike lane markings and signs, a 10’ shared use pathway, improved intersection crossings, and raised medians. It is estimated that these improvements would result in a 46% reduction in pedestrian crashes.
Status: Semi-active - in the short term, TxDoT is installing raised medians but pedestrian improvements have not started and are considered a long-term goal.
Montgomery County Precinct 3
Mobility Study
The focus of this study was on future roadways needs. Bicycle and pedestrian improvements were also lightly evaluated with a proposed base cycling network within the study area.
Recommendations include the use of Lake Woodlands Drive and Gosling Road as primary corridor routes and drainage ways / easements as future routes.
Status: Inactive - there have been no indications by Montgomery County Precinct 3 to implement this active transportation plan.
The Woodlands Township
Transit Plan
The plan focuses on options to expand existing transit and develop new transit options to serve the local area (Town Center Bus, Local Bus, and Express Bus). It briefly considers the supporting cycle network for access to transit.
Status: Semi-active - The Woodlands Township has focused on expanding The Woodlands Express Bus and a potential expansion of the Trolley to Grogan’s Mill Village Center.
Harris County Precinct 3
Trails Master Plan
This parks and trails master plan includes a 10-12’ paved multi-use pathway along the south side of Spring Creek running from west of Burroughs Park, past George Mitchell Nature Preserve, and continuing east past I-45.
Status: Active - The Woodlands Township has committed $5 million to help accelerate this work and build necessary bridges.
Montgomery County Precinct 2
Mobility Study
Active Transportation recommendations mostly focused on the proposal of 173.5 miles of shared use paths throughout Precinct 2.
Status: Inactive - there have been no indications by Montgomery County Precinct 2 to implement this active transportation plan.
Regional and State Studies
Houston-Galveston Area Council (H-GAC)
2045 Active Transportation Plan
As part of the regional transportation plan, this plan includes a proposal for focus areas within The Woodlands for improved pedestrian and cycling infrastructure.
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
Bicycle Tourism Trails Study
This plan recommends bikeway accommodations and design criteria for bikeways which could be developed as bicycle tourism trails across Texas. A connecting spur is indicated to go through The Woodlands.