Our Work
Since 2009, we’ve worked to build a better community through bicycling.
Past Work
We strive to keep our finger on the pulse of cycling issues in The Woodlands and Montgomery County. We provide information, suggestions, and recommendations when we think it will help. We advocate for bike and pedestrian safety at the local, state, and national level.
Bike Month
In 2016, Bike The Woodlands Coalition hosted the first Bike Month in The Woodlands. We expaned to dozens of events with hundreds of participants in 2017 and 2018. In 2019, we handed responsibility over to The Woodlands Township and we’re still a key partner, hosting events and promoting activities.
Community Service
We lead bike safety booths for local events and we host quarterly cleanup efforts along our Adopt-A-Path mile along Gosling Road, a key cycling corridor that connects Montgomery County and Harris County. We also promote bicycle recycling to help old bikes become new rides for people in need.
Our Major Achievements
Advocated for the The Woodlands Township to apply for Bicycle Friendly Community status in 2011, and helped the Township earn that status.
Participated on Township Bicycle Advisory Task Force, which advises the Township on cycling related issues.
Through the Bicycle Advisory Task Force, provided considerable input to the Bike-Pedestrian Master Plan RFP.
Organized Bike to Work Day in 2013-2015.
Brought the concept of Bike Month to The Woodlands, and organized Annual Bike Month celebrations during the month of May in 2016, 2017, and 2018, with help from The Woodlands Township and other entities. We had over 1,600 participants combined in 2017 and 2018.
Hosted public meetings to promote public discussion about cycling-related issues.
Developed a road shoulder hazard survey and jutting shoulder survey of The Woodlands roads that was submitted to the Township and Montgomery County.
Created a widely distributed road shoulder map of The Woodlands for cyclists.
Developed a conceptual plan for using the creek drainage ways in The Woodlands for pedestrian and cycling pathways. This was presented to the Township Transportation Subcommittee in February 2015, and was used as input to the Bike-Pedestrian Master Plan.
Organized a public forum for cyclists to provide comments and input to future to FM 1488 proposed roadway improvements.
Developed and published a survey about bicycling issues for Township Board of Directors candidates in advance of the 2019 election.
Distributed hundreds of bike lights and information flyers for bike safety.
Participated in community events to promote awareness and appreciation of the many amenities that The Woodlands can offer for cyclists.
Our Focus for the Future
Since 2010, 7 people have died riding bikes in The Woodlands and 162+ have been injured. We want to offer educational resources and programming that promote safe riding practices for adults and children.
Source: TxDOT C.R.I.S.
There have been several studies of our community’s transit and mobility needs over the last several years. The study with the biggest impact on cycling in The Woodlands is the 2016 Pedestrian and Bicycling Master Plan. Few of the cycling-related recommendations have been realized, in part due to lack of direct and matching funds. We want to mobilize our community and advocate with local officials for the changes that these studies have recommended — and other improvements that would increase safety and ease of movement for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians.
Community Building
We love riding our bikes, and we love connecting with people who share our passion. We hope to host more events, including road rides for adults and pathway rides for families. We hope to connect more effectively with the many other bicycle-friendly people and organizations in our community and help promote their events.