Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

2024: Year in Review

In 2024, Bike The Woodlands was busy! We worked with community members, local leaders, and our local government to help make The Woodlands a safer, more joyful place to ride bikes for transportation, fitness, and recreation. 

 We collaborated with The Woodlands Township on several initiatives, including our bike recycling program, which now happens every quarter in collaboration with the Environmental Services department. In 2024, we collected more than 400 bikes. Many went to our friends at Court Appointed Special Advocates of Montgomery County and went directly into the hands of foster youth in need. The rest went with our friends at Recycled Cycles of Texas where bikes in bad shape were recycled for scrap and those that could be repaired were fixed up and given to people in need. In 2025, we're working to connect with more people in need as we continue our quarterly bike recycling drives. We're excited to be developing a program that diverts waste from landfills and helps people get back in the saddle. 

We also saw the completion of some major projects we advocated for. In November 2024, The Woodlands Township completed construction on the pathway along Kuykendahl Road between Lake Woodlands Drive and Research Forest Drive and between Timarron and Creekside Forest Drive. These gaps in the pathway were identified in the 2016 Bike-Pedestrian Master Plan as major needs, and we were delighted to see the Township prioritize these projects and complete them. We continue to work with the Township to advocate for pathway system improvements, and we look forward to developing relationships with our local government officials to advocate for roadway improvements that prioritize safety, connectivity, and sustainability.

As the new year begins, we’re excited to build relationships with our elected officials and to strengthen our connections with local and regional organizations. We’re excited to see our latest report card from the League of American Bicyclists about our community’s bike-friendly status (due out in January 2025), and we’re excited to launch some new initiatives to better serve The Woodlands and our surrounding area. We added two board members whose expertise in urban planning and bike outreach have made our team stronger, smarter, and more deeply connected to the important issues we hope to address as our community’s bike and pedestrian advocacy organization. 

We convened a group of local bike super-friends including bike shop owners, coaches, park rangers, and former board members, and we discussed how we might make Bike Month 2024 better than ever. We surveyed candidates for local office about their perspectives on bike and pedestrian issues, and we published the survey results in advance of the November election. We also continued developing our membership program with discounts at local bike shops and activewear stores. 

Our board members posted rides on local ride website Chasing Watts and maintained an up-to-date list of rides on our website. We shared information on Facebook and in our newsletter to help the local rider community better understand trail conditions. We also purchased a GoPro camera that can mount on top of a bike helmet so we could ride around town and capture 360-degree images of the pathway system that we submitted to Google Maps. Today, if you explore Google Street View in Grogan's Mill and in other parts of The Woodlands, you may find images of the view from the pathways. We hope this will help people exploring The Woodlands get a sense of what it's like to navigate this treasured community amenity. 

We worked with the Special Events team at The Woodlands Township to develop Bike Month activities, which included rides, workshops, and the township-wide celebration at Northshore Park in May. We worked to develop the Township’s renewal application for Bike-Friendly status through the League of American Bicyclists. 

We also made major progress on our wayfinding project. Our board members and volunteers identified 395 points on The Woodlands Township’s pathway system where more signage was needed to help pathway users better navigate our 200+ miles of paved pathways. We GPS tagged these sites and soon QR codes will be installed at these points. If you see a QR code on a brown or blue sign somewhere on the pathway system, scan it and take a look!

While there’s a lot to celebrate, we’re also mindful of the serious challenges ahead. Frankly, it can be risky to ride bikes in our community. In May 2021, a young woman in Creekside Park was killed while riding her bike home from work at one of our community pools. An avid cyclist was killed in November 2024 when he was out for a group ride in the same village. Aging infrastructure, increased traffic volume, and inattentive and inexperienced drivers all contribute to imperfect riding conditions when cyclists share the road with motorists. In our state’s latest report card from the League of American Bicyclists, Texas ranked 30th nationally among US states, in part because of our state’s lack of safe passing laws for bicyclists and other laws to keep cyclists safe on the roads. While our local bike advocates have limited influence over statewide policy, we hope we can work to build relationships locally and regionally so we can advocate for the safety of the roads in the 48 square miles we call home. Traffic-calming measures, education campaigns, and infrastructure improvements could all help make our hometown a safer place to walk a dog, run, ride a bike, ride a scooter, push a stroller, drive a car, and more.

We were heartened to be named the top place to ride a bike in Texas in 2024 by People for Bikes. We hope you’ll join us in our effort to live up to that title and build a better community through bicycling. Come help us make biking in our community safer and more joyful in the year ahead.

Sending warm wishes for a happy new year from all of us,

Tricia, CT, Yan, Richard, John M, Mariana, Cynthia, John Z

Bike The Woodlands Coalition Board of Directors

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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

Election 2024: Township Board Candidate Survey

Prepared by Bike The Woodlands, October 2024

Each year, Bike the Woodlands surveys candidates for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors to get their views on bicycle riding in The Woodlands.

This year's survey responses are available in the PDF linked below. You can review it online, and you can also download and  print it to take with you to the voting booth. (Remember, no electronic devices are allowed in Texas voting booths.) This information is collected to inform voters and is just one of many considerations for bicycling-oriented voters to consider. We hope you’ll get out there and bike the vote!

Please note that Bike The Woodlands Coalition does not endorse candidates for election. However, we hope that these responses will help you make an informed decision. 

Early voting will be available from Monday 10/21 through Friday 11/1, and Election Day is Tuesday 11/5. Read on for county-specific information on voting.

  • Montgomery County: To view the full list of full list voting dates, polling hours, polling sites (once available) or to check voter registration, visit or call the Montgomery County Elections Office at 936-539-7843.

  • Harris County: To view the full list of full list voting dates, polling hours, polling sites (once available) or to check voter registration, visit or call the Harris County Election Information Line at 713-755-6965.

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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

2024 Annual Meeting

Many thanks to everyone who braved the rain and came out for our 2024 Annual Meeting! As promised, you can find the slide deck from last night's meeting here on the News page of our site, and you learn more about Bike Month 2024 here and find the link to register for events all month long. 

What's next? Here are some key ways to get involved.

Thank you again for joining us!


CT, John M, Tricia, Cynthia, Yan, and John Z
Bike The Woodlands Board of Directors

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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

2023 Year in Review

What a year! As we look back at 2023, we're grateful for the support of our community and the opportunity to promote building community through bicycling. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated, became a member, attended an event, and generally supported our work this year: We couldn't do our work without you. Thank you!

Here are a few highlights from our adventures in 2023:

Bike The Woodlands board members receiving the Bike Month 2023 proclamation from the Township Board of Directors.

We advocated for infrastructure and policy improvements to increase safety, accessibility, and connectivity. We met with officials from The Woodlands Township to discuss infrastructure priorities, and we wrote a letter of support for the Township's successful application for $7.5M in funding from TxDOT for the pathway extension along 242 linking Harper's Landing to the parts of The Woodlands west of I-45. We published our annual candidate survey featuring responses from the candidates for the Township Board of Directors election in November. Our board president joined the Houston-Galveston Area Council's Transportation Advisory Committee as an Active Transportation representative, and she served on the Transportation Improvement Subcommittee and Bicycle-Pedestrian Subcommittee. She also attended the (virtual) National Bike Summit and participated in meetings with members of the Texas congressional delegation as part of Cyclists in Suits, the League of American Bicyclists' main advocacy event day on Capitol Hill.

Bike The Woodlands board members work on articulating and prioritizing local infrastructure projects in January 2023.

We spent time organizing our priorities to help us understand how we might help residents bike more safely and joyfully in the year ahead.

We also got great guidance from community members about how to make riding safer in our community. TXTRI founder and community leader Sandra Sutherland took us on a bike ride in Creekside Park to better understand the roadways and the ongoing concerns for riders in that area. We gathered community input at events like Bike The Woodlands Day, Bike To Work Day, and at local community safety events.

A newly installed pathway wayfinding plaque at the corner of Flintridge and Woodlands Parkway.

We worked to improve navigation on the pathway system. We partnered with The Woodlands Township to create a new wayfinding program featuring QR codes on the wooden bollards along the 200+ miles of paved pathways in our community. After a pilot project in spring 2023 with about 40 QR codes in Grogan's Mill, we are currently installing signs on the pathways throughout the rest of the villages. Stay tuned for this project to be completed in 2024.

Ferrell Surette of Recycled Cycles of Texas picks up donated bikes in August 2023.

We ramped up our bike recycling program, organizing three major recycling drives in May, August, and December. The May and December events were part of existing events with the Township's Environmental Services department, including the annual Earth Day celebration and the 3R Drive-Thru Recycling event. This year, we collected almost 200 bikes to be recycled back into the community through the support of our friends at Recycled Cycles of Texas. We also contributed bikes to CASA of Montgomery County (which offers mentoring support to local youth) and Riders in Recovery (a mountain bike team for youth recovering from addiction and substance abuse). As part of our Day of Giving in November, we made a cash donation to Recycled Cycles to help purchase a bike rack to help the organization repair and redistribute bikes to people in need.

Sam Houston State University Charter School students participate in their first Bike Rodeo in November 2023.

We hosted events, including the return of our public annual meeting and events during Bike Month including Bike To Work Day and Bike The Woodlands Day. We also appeared at local Township events and school events, including the National Night Out Community Safety Expo and bike rodeos at Sally K. Ride Elementary and the Sam Houston State University Charter School.

We helped spread the word about local rides. Our board members updated our website with more details about ongoing weekly rides, and we promoted Chasing Watts, a Houston-built app for organizing and promoting rides.

Bike The Woodlands volunteers and board members at Bike The Woodlands Day in May 2023.

We also improved our membership program and created a sponsorship program. We partnered with local businesses to offer discounts for our members. We also outlined our first-ever sponsorship program and began recruiting local businesses as ongoing sponsors. And we found more ways to engage volunteers in local events.

None of this would be possible without our community's support. Thank you for your financial support and your volunteer work. If you'd like to be part of our work, check out the Get Involved Page of our website here. And, if you'd like to become a member, your tax-deductible donation here.

5/6 Bike The Woodlands board members, December 2023.

Thank you for helping us build a better community through bicycling!

All of us at Bike The Woodlands

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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

Election 2023: Township Board Candidates

Prepared by Bike The Woodlands, October 2023

Each year, Bike the Woodlands surveys candidates for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors to get their views on bicycle riding in The Woodlands. This year's survey responses are available in the PDF linked below; you can review it online, and you can also download and print it to take with you to the voting booth. (Remember, no electronic devices are allowed in Texas voting booths.) This information is collected to inform voters and is just one of many considerations for bicycling-oriented voters to consider. We hope you’ll get out there and bike the vote!

Please note that Bike The Woodlands Coalition does not endorse candidates for election. However, we hope that these responses will help you make an informed decision. 

Early voting will be available from Monday 10/23 through Friday 11/3, and Election Day is Tuesday 11/7. Read on for county-specific information on voting.

  • Montgomery County: To view the full list of full list voting dates, polling hours, polling sites (once available) or to check voter registration, visit or call the Montgomery County Elections Office at 936-539-7843.

  • Harris County: To view the full list of full list voting dates, polling hours, polling sites (once available) or to check voter registration, or call the Harris County Election Information Line at 713-755-6965.

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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

2023 Annual Meeting

On 5/2/23, we were delighted to host our first in-person Annual Meeting since before the pandemic. We were delighted to have an enthusiastic group in attendance representing road riders, pathway riders, mountain bikers, and more. You can view our slide deck here, and here are a few highlights from our talk.


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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

Election 2022: Township Board Candidates

Logo of The Woodlands Township, featuring a stylized image of a tree, a bridge, houses, and office buildings.

Prepared by Bike The Woodlands Coalition, October 2022

Each year, Bike the Woodlands Coalition surveys candidates for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors to get their views on bicycle riding in The Woodlands. This year's survey responses are available in the PDF linked below; you can review it online, and you can also download and print it to take with you to the voting booth. (Remember, no electronic devices are allowed in Texas voting booths.) This information is collected to inform voters and is just one of many considerations for bicycling-oriented voters to consider. We hope you’ll get out there and bike the vote!

Please note that Bike The Woodlands Coalition does not endorse candidates for election. However, we hope that these responses will help you make an informed decision. 

Early voting begins Monday 10/24 and Election Day is Tuesday 11/8. Read on for county-specific information on voting.

  • Montgomery County: To view the full list of full list voting dates, polling hours, polling sites (once available) or to check voter registration, visit or call the Montgomery County Elections Office at 936-539-7843.

  • Harris County: To view the full list of full list voting dates, polling hours, polling sites (once available) or to check voter registration, or call the Harris County Election Information Line at 713-755-6965.

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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

Looking Back at 2021

ArtFeel, November 2021.

As 2021 draws to a close, we're reflecting on our past work and planning for the year ahead. 

We hope you'll consider supporting our work with an end-of-year donation. Your donations help us maintain and distribute resources to the community (like our local route maps and information about bike and pedestrian safety), and they help us participate in local events that sometimes require registration. You can make a one-time donation or become a member here:

Please note that it's a great year to make a donation to a registered nonprofit like ours. Due to recent legislation related to the pandemic, a temporary tax provision allows up to a $300 deduction ($600 married filing jointly) even when taking the standard deduction. This provision expires at the end of this year.

Highlights from 2021

In spite of the ongoing challenges of the pandemic, 2021 was a successful year for us: We managed to make an impact as we promoted the joy and benefits of biking in our beautiful community. 

We built connections, with our new friends Recycled Cycles of Texas, at public and private schools across The Woodlands, and with new members. We helped promote Bike Month and Bike to School Day, and we joined The Woodlands Art Council's efforts to create our community's first Art Bike Rack. We also continued to work with our friends at The Woodlands Township Parks and Recreation Department, our key partners on Bike Month and other community activities. 

We built community, hosting bicycle safety demos at The Woodlands Township's National Night Out Community Safety Expo and at other community events with Village Associations and local organization Stronger to Serve. We distributed maps of our favorite rides and local trail systems, helping people discover new places to ride. We also braved the rain and rode our bikes in the annual Independence Day Parade!

We served our community, advocating for policy and infrastructure improvements at the local, state, and national level. This included meetings with officials from The Woodlands Township, precinct officials in Montgomery County and Harris County, and members of the Texas congressional delegation in the US House of Representatives and US Senate at the National Bike Summit. We also adopted and regularly cleaned up the stretch of bike path on Gosling Road between Flintridge Drive and Creekside Forest Drive, helping maintain a critical transportation corridor for bicycles and pedestrians. 

In 2022, we plan to build a better community through bicycling with a renewed focus on public safety. This means more advocacy for bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements and more educational outreach in the community through events and publications.

Thank you in advance for considering! And thank you for helping us build a better community through bicycling. 

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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

Election 2021: Incorporation & Biking

Prepared by Bike The Woodlands Coalition, October 2021

How will incorporation impact bicycle riders in The Woodlands?

This year, in addition to our annual survey of Township board candidates, Bike The Woodlands Coalition has conducted interviews with local officials and researched local laws to provide community members with insights on some key bicycle- and pedestrian-related incorporation topics. 

To be clear, we are not endorsing a position for or against incorporation. We recognize that there are many factors to consider, and we hope to surface potential impacts to pedestrians and bicycle riders by describing current operations and how they would change with incorporation. 

Whether our community is a special purpose district or a city, the ability to progress bicycle- and pedestrian-related improvements is dependent on the willingness of those with authority and control to pursue initiatives and funding. To help, Bike The Woodlands Coalition will continue to advocate for policies and infrastructure improvements with the appropriate authority to prioritize bicycle and pedestrian safety for all. We hope that our elected officials will recognize that the infrastructure and amenities we advocate for are a valuable part of what makes The Woodlands a special place to live, work, and play.

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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

Election 2021: Township Board Candidates

Prepared by Bike The Woodlands Coalition, October 2021

Each year, Bike the Woodlands Coalition surveys candidates for The Woodlands Township Board of Directors to get their views on bicycle riding in The Woodlands. This year's survey responses are posted below. This information is collected to inform voters and is just one of many considerations for bicycling-oriented voters to contemplate prior to casting a vote.

We received responses from two of the current candidates and we have included responses that one candidate provided for our 2019 survey. 

Bike The Woodlands Coalition does not endorse candidates for election. However, we hope that these responses will help you make an informed decision. 

The last day to register to vote was Monday 10/4. Early voting is available from Monday 10//18 to Friday 10/29. Election Day is Tuesday 11/2. 

Montgomery County

To view the full list of full list voting dates, polling hours, polling sites (once available) or to check voter registration, visit or call the Montgomery County Elections Office at 936-539-7843.

Harris County

To view the full list of full list voting dates, polling hours, polling sites (once available) or to check voter registration, or call the Harris County Election Information Line at 713-755-6965.

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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

Seeking Board Members for Bike The Woodlands

Bike The Woodlands Coalition members and board members pose at the 2021 Independence Day Parade.

Bike The Woodlands Coalition members and board members pose at the 2021 Independence Day Parade.

Since 2009, Bike the Woodlands Coalition has worked to build a better community through bicycling. We've advocated for bicycle and pedestrian safety at local, state, and federal levels; participated in community-wide events like the annual Fourth of July Parade; organized volunteer efforts like donating disused bicycles to people in need; and hosted our own rides and socials to celebrate the joy of bicycling. We've done great things thanks to our volunteer board of directors, whose creative ideas and hard work have powered our growth over the past decade.

Now, we're seeking new board members with a passion for creating a better community through cycling! Join our enthusiastic team as we create meaningful community events and advocate for improved infrastructure and safety. The application deadline is Monday, September 20, 2021. 

Please feel free to share this information with anyone who you think would be interested in joining our work. Thanks in advance for considering!

Position Requirements

Bike The Woodlands Coalition (BTWC) is seeking new members to join our board of directors. If you are passionate about making our community better through cycling, we encourage you to apply! Additionally, if you have special connections within the community or experience in public engagement, fundraising, finance/accounting, political strategy, human resources, and/or management, that is helpful but not a requirement.

We encourage all interested persons to apply. Interested persons should send an email to and let us know:

  • Why do you think you would be a good fit for the BTWC board?

  • What is your connection with cycling?

  • Do you have any connections with groups or individuals in the community that may be helpful for bicycle advocacy?

  • Do you have any questions for us?

Application emails are due by 6 PM on Monday, September 20, 2021.

Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed by the selection committee and recommendation will be made to the Board. Applicants will be contacted and interviewed either in person or by phone. The board will review the recommendation of the selection committee and invite the selected individuals to the next Board meeting.

Please share! If you know someone who would be a good candidate, please send them this announcement.
You can learn more about our past achievements and our current work elsewhere on this website. Take a look around!

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CT Gooding CT Gooding

E-Bikes on The Woodlands Township Pathways

Under the current policies of The Woodlands Township, the use of e-bikes are not allowed on sidewalks or shared-used pathways. Upon request by several residents, The Woodlands Township is considering a change to this policy. In response, Bike The Woodlands Coalition has issued the following statement and provided it to The Woodlands Township staff and board of directors.

Permitting E-Bikes
Bike The Woodlands Coalition supports permitting class 1, 2, and 3 e-bikes on our shared-use pathways throughout The Woodlands. This position is supported by Texas state law and aligns with policies seen in many other communities designated by the League of American Bicyclists as Bicycle Friendly Communities, including Houston (bronze status), Austin (gold status), and Boulder (platinum status).

These other cities have embraced e-bikes as a valuable addition to their communities. For example, the Houston and Boulder bicycle share programs have added e-bikes for rental on their pathways. They recognize, as a Boulder County e-bike literature review determined, that “the electric-assist makes it possible for more people to ride a bicycle and generates more and longer trips. Many users feel safer riding an e-bike because of their increased confidence in getting through a wide intersection or navigating more challenging terrain.”

It is critical to maintain the shared-use pathways in The Woodlands as a safe and enjoyable space for recreation, exercise, and transportation. The pathway system is a unique asset within the community and we should be encouraging residents and visitors of all ages and abilities to utilize it. Today, we see a mixture of strollers, skaters, runners, walkers (some with pets), and bicyclists on the pathways. To maintain safety, each individual user is responsible for their own safe behavior. 

If e-bikes are permitted on the pathways, the expectations for personal responsibility and safe usage should remain unchanged. Just as it is incumbent upon drivers to behave safely on the roads, e-bike users should be expected to do the same on pathways.

There are currently excellent expectations outlined on The Woodlands Township website:

To promote a safe environment for all pathway users, The Woodlands Parks and Recreation Department recommends the following:

  • Show courtesy and respect to other pathway users at all times.

  • Use the right side of the pathway.

  • Pass other users on the left.

  • Avoid putting yourself or others at risk.

  • Keep dogs on a leash and clean up after them.

  • Yield to wheelchairs, no matter who has the right of way.

Guidelines for Bicyclists on Pathways: 

  • Give audible warnings when passing pathway users. 

  • Ride at a safe speed.

  • Helmets are recommended.

  • Be predictable! Ride straight ahead.

We believe a modification of the “safe speed” guidance to a 10-12 mph speed limit would explicitly set expectations to address pathway speed concerns. This change would align with recommendations from the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan and other comparable pathways that have explicit speed limits, including the Houston-based Spring Creek Greenway trail (10-15 mph), Austin pathways (10 mph), and Boulder pathways (15 mph). 

If a speed limit is established, it would be recommended to update the pathway stop signs to highlight the speed limit and other important safety policies and expectations. These updates could be combined with much-needed wayfinding improvements as outlined in the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan, Chapter 6, Wayfinding at an estimated cost of $47-55K.

If an e-bike user prefers higher speeds, they may ride on the street, just as conventional cyclists may. However, we recognize that some users may not be comfortable riding on the street but desire higher-speed travel. Consequently, we encourage The Woodlands Township to move forward with infrastructure improvements as recommended in the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan, Chapter 5, The Pedestrian and Bicycle Network. This includes on-street bicycle lanes, which can be designed to ensure comfort for all types of cyclists and improve safety for all roadway users. Helpful guidance on the design and development of such lanes can be found in the League of American Bicyclists' recommendations for protected bike lanes and cycle tracks in our community. The addition of such improvements would help move our community from its Bronze status as a Bicycle Friendly Community to Silver status.

In Chapter 7 of the Bicycle Pedestrian Master Plan and our bicycle friendly city report card, it is recommended that The Woodlands create a bicycle safety program. This would be another way to reinforce proper pathway safety behaviors through ongoing education campaigns. The program could include classroom lessons for Pre-K-12 students, activities integrated into community events (e.g. National Night Out, Community Safety Expo, Bike The Woodlands Day), ongoing social media campaigns by partner organizations (e.g. Bike The Woodlands Coalition), safety trainings for both motorists and pedestrians/cyclists (e.g. local police departments), and visitor education material (e.g. Visit The Woodlands). 

Public Input
To gather feedback from residents, we suggest a combination of data-driven feedback methods kicked off with an 8-12 month pilot program allowing e-bikes on pathways, similar to the pilot program approaches employed in Austin (8 months), Boulder County (12 months), and the City of Boulder (12 months). 

A Boulder County literature review notably included the following insights: “Several studies show that trail users unfamiliar with e-bikes express a preference to not share the trail with them, but the majority did not notice that they were [already] sharing the trail with e-bikes. Similarly, once trail users were exposed to e-bikes, concerns about them decreased for many." Therefore, to get the best feedback possible, residents should be given the opportunity to experience e-bikes first hand. This could be accomplished through designated demonstration days to test out e-bikes without purchasing one (e.g. National Night Out, Community Safety Expo, Bike The Woodlands Day).

While e-bike users are present on the pathways during the pilot period, we recommend gathering in-person feedback directly from users on pathways at peak times.
Interview questions could include: Did you encounter an e-bike on the pathway? Was there a conflict on the pathway? In addition, speed measurements could also be collected to determine the speed of bikers versus e-bikers.

The Woodlands Township Rangers often move around on foot or by electric golf cart. During this trial period, an e-bike could be supplied to the Rangers for their duties. This could be used to advertise the pilot program and also gather informal resident feedback.

Additionally, community input could be gathered through more traditional feedback methods, including public forums and public surveys.

Moving Forward
Bike The Woodlands Coalition is interested and willing to assist in any way that may be helpful, including developing survey instruments, assisting with demonstrations, and helping to develop and share materials to advance youth and adult education about bicycle and pedestrian safety in our community. Please feel free to contact us at if you have questions regarding our comments above and if we can be of further assistance. Thank you for your consideration.

Kind regards,

Board of Directors, Bike The Woodlands Coalition 

About Bike The Woodlands Coalition
As a non-profit organization, we are dedicated to building a community where bicycling is convenient and safe, connecting neighborhoods, business areas, parks, communities, and surrounding counties, and accommodating all facets of bicycling — fitness, recreation, and transportation — and riders of all ages and abilities.

Here is the original statement in PDF format.

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Patricia Kievlan Patricia Kievlan

2020: Year in Review

Reflecting over this past year, it would be an understatement to say that it has been anything but a difficult and unusual one. In spite of global challenges, we have seen some great accomplishments throughout our community and around the world. Closer to home, safe social distancing precautions meant that Bike The Woodlands Coalition was unable to host our annual in-person community meeting, sponsor group rides, or organize community events. However, more people were out on their bikes than ever, and we wanted to find ways to support riders of all experience levels. As a result, our focus shifted to alternative activities that we could keep us meaningfully connected while we were socially distant.

We shared helpful maps and resources for local rides. We successfully hosted a virtual annual community meeting with follow-up events. We adopted a section of pathway on Gosling Road and committed to quarterly litter pick-up events on the pathway from Flintridge to Creekside, and we met with The Woodlands Arts Council and are supporting their efforts to replace standard bike racks with artistic variations. Most importantly, we have re-engaged The Woodlands Township in regular meetings to drive progress on the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. A number of projects are now being discussed and are in the planning stage. The most promising project is a pathway connecting Harper’s Landing to the rest of The Woodlands. 

In 2021, we plan to participate in community events when they are available and safe. In the past we have been involved in The Woodlands Marathon, The Woodforest bank TRI, IRONMAN Texas, Bike Month, The Woodlands Fourth of July Parade, and more. In partnership with The Woodlands Township, we have started planning for this year’s Bike Month in May. This year's event will still look a little different because of COVID, and it will feature a mix of virtual and self-guided activities and limited group activities developed with safety measures in place. When it's safe to gather again, we hope to sponsor a variety of community bike rides for adults and families. We also plan to host quarterly litter pick-up events, typically during the last month of each quarter, and we're hoping to promote a bicycle repair and recycling program in the months ahead. Watch our social media and this newsletter for updates.

If you are not a member, we would like to invite you to join Bike The Woodlands Coalition to show your support for bicycling riding in The Woodlands area. To join, go to Plus, you can find more ways to get involved on our website at

Thank you for your support! And thank you for helping us build a better community through bicycling. 

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CT Gooding CT Gooding

2020 Township Election: Candidate Responses on Bicycling

Bike the Woodlands Coalition sent a 2-question survey to candidates to get their views on bicycle riding in The Woodlands. We have now published a collection of candidate survey responses.

This information is collected to inform voters and is just one of many considerations for bicycling-oriented voters to contemplate prior to casting a vote.

We received responses from all the current candidates. The great news is that in general there is considerable support for bicycling in The Woodlands based on responses from the candidates. We ask that you consider their responses when you vote. Bike the Woodlands Coalition is not endorsing candidates in this election.

Early Voting is October 13th to October 30th. Election day is November 3rd.

The survey questions are:

  1. In 2016, The Woodlands Township Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan was unanimously adopted by the Board of Directors. Since then, only one project in the plan has been completed. Do you support the plan and if so what steps would you take to progress the plan? The master plan is available here:

  2. What message would you like to send to bicycle riders in The Woodlands about your candidacy in the upcoming Township election?

List of candidates:

  • Position #1

    • Jerry D. Smith, Jr.

    • Ron Keichline - candidate has withdrawn

    • Gordy Bunch

    Position #2

    • Jason J. Nelson

    • Tom Chumbley

    • Luis Granados

    • Jimmie Dotson

    Position #3

    • John Anthony Brown

    Position #4

    • Dan Hannon

    • Bruce Rieser

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CT Gooding CT Gooding

The Woodlands Waterway - Bike Racks Map

Do you bike around The Woodlands Waterway? We mapped 24 bike racks to help you quickly park and secure your bike. Each location marker includes a photo of the bike rack for easy identification.

Did we miss any or would you like to help us expand our map beyond the waterway? If so, please send us a geotagged photo (e.g. a photo from a mobile phone with GPS) of a bike rack to and we can add it to the map!

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CT Gooding CT Gooding

2019 Township Election: Candidate Responses on Bicycling

Bike the Woodlands Coalition sent a 3-question survey to candidates to get their views on bicycling in The Woodlands.  A summarized version of their responses may be found here:

The goal is to provide candidate responses to voters to help them choose which candidates to vote for. This information is considered to be just one of many issues that bicycling-oriented voters might consider prior to casting a vote.

We received responses from 9 of 11 candidates. The great news is that overall there is considerable support for bicycling in The Woodlands based on responses from the candidates.   We ask that you consider their responses when you vote.  Bike the Woodlands Coalition is not endorsing candidates in this election. 

Early Voting is Oct. 21st to Nov. 1st.  Election day is November 5th.

The three survey questions are:

  1. In 2016, The Woodlands Township Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan was unanimously adopted by the Board of Directors. What steps would you take to progress the plan?  The complete plan is available here:

  2. A Complete Streets policy helps cities and towns plan safe, accessible and convenient use of streets by motorists, public transit riders, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Complete Streets has been adopted in 40 of the largest 50 cities, including Houston. If the The Woodlands Township incorporates, what approach would you take in regards to a Complete Streets policy?  More information can be found at

  3. What message would you most like to send to cyclists in The Woodlands about your candidacy in the upcoming Township election?

List of candidates:

  • Walter Cooke

  • Rashmi Gupta

  • Shelley Sekula-Gibbs

  • Alan Richel

  • Ann Snyder

  • Tom Chumbley

  • Bob Milner

  • David Cassidy

  • Walt Lisiewski

  • Andy DuBois

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